Recently I have been given a chance to work on editing Drone footage. This has been a amazing way to learn more about video utilized for things such as real estate. As I have worked on this and other projects with doing 48 hour film projects how important a screen shot list and story boards are vital to having a finished clean result. I look forward to learning more in this area of design. I think getting my drone pilot license is a goal for the future.
Several of my social media and design classes have required creating a video. These classes have focused on writing a story, sketching story boards, and less on video quality. I have noticed watching editors that often what appears to be a tedious task that I have actually loved the detail and time required to do editing.
One of my classes required us to utilize Canva and as I was getting familiar with their features I made tribute videos for my parents. Even since I was a child I have had a passion for family photography, and scrapbooking. It is fun when you get to mix different mediums together.
Below are videos I did for classes to write and create to show a little about typical days in my life as I am a student, mother, wife, teacher, care taker, and independent contractor.